The Dailylog is our most sought-after longboard model, offering a classic approach with slightly lowered rails compared to the 50/50 throughout its length to the tail, a single fin, and a fairly rounded nose. Its moderate rocker allows for easy turns without the risk of burying the nose, with a centered mid-point ensuring good balance. The nose is not excessively wide (about 17 1/2” to 12” from the nose), which is ideal for the tail (16” to 12” from the tail). This combination provides an intuitive and easy-to-maneuver board, perfect for beginners or for refining classic maneuvers.
The configuration includes a concave at the nose (over one-third of the length) that gradually transitions into a belly (rolled vee) toward the tail (slightly kicked), providing a smooth glide conducive to noseriding.
Dailylog Pintail
We also offer a “pintail” version of the Dailylog, providing more control and maneuverability, ideal for surfers with smaller foot placements seeking better turning ability. This version will also perform better in small, hollow beach break waves or in larger, flatter waves like Parlementia.
Glass: 6oz + 6oz / 6oz, or Volan 7.5oz
Rails: Fairly pinched 50/50
Rocker: Neutral and balanced, easy to approach
Wave type: from 50cm to shoulder-high
General dims: between 9’0 and 10′

Company policy
Our company policy aims to provide high-quality products by leveraging our experience and expertise. We carefully select high-quality materials to ensure the durability of our boards.
We offer the option to use environmentally friendly foam blanks according to your preferences, such as agave foam, recycled EPS, Polyola, and more. Additionally, we recycle fiberglass offcuts on-site for repairs, thereby helping to reduce our environmental footprint.